Monday, September 27, 2010

Qt DevDays 2010

I'm attending Qt DevDays 2010 and really looking forward to it.

I haven't decided yet which tracks I'll attend, there are so many interesting but I definitely go for some Quick-talks. I believe I'll have a great time.

And that's not all, in November I'll also attend a two day Mobile Qt course at Öredev with topics such as Qt Mobility API, Gesture framework, Hybrid JavaScript apps and last but not least Quick. Looks very promising.


  1. Hey,
    Even I am attending the event this time. I am excited to meet wonderful people over there. All lectures look good, dont know which one shud attend. I am a developer in Nokia, Bangalore and I work on QT.

  2. Cool! So you're going all the way from India to Munich. Maybe I'll see you there. If you see someone with a name tag with my name say hi!
